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Sleep Glove 

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DreamKeep Final Poster.jpg

This is the project I will be working on this semester. I will upload information as the project progresses. We are working Adam Haar from MIT's Media lab to help improve the current design of the Dormio Sleep Glove. 

The current solution of the Dormio system shown above, aims to influence and lengthen a transitional state of sleep known as hypnagogia. To do so, the system tracks this transitional period and interrupts it as it is ending by obtaining biosignals from the user’s hand, which are shown to change during sleep onset. The device uses sensors to measure changes in heart rate, electrodermal activity, and loss in muscle tone. Using an RFduino, this data is transferred via Bluetooth or USB to a computer or cellphone app.


After the user decides what they wish to dream about, they can launch the Dormio dream app and record a message using their voice. The dream prompt message, like "Remember to think of a tree" for instance, is played as the user prepares for sleep onset. The hand sensors are used to measure the transition from early hypnagogic sleep onset (N1) into the deeper stages of sleep (N2), where it would be a bit difficult to wake the user up. Dormio interrupts the transition from N1 to N2 by using audio that is loud enough to prevent the user from going into a deeper sleep, but not so loud as to wake the user up completely. When the biosignals appear to signal the end of this transitional state, Dormio wakes the user up and plays their recording to trigger the inception of hypnagogic dreams. After receiving this prompt, the user returns to sleep again, and then again after a period of time, is awakened and prompted for a dream report message. Once their response is recorded, the system then resets, allowing users to drift back to sleep and for each subsequent wake-up to be another dream report opportunity.


Rosello, O. (n.d.). Dormio: Interfacing with Dreams. Retrieved from Mit Media Lab:\\

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